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Answer key name: date: student exploration: melting p?

The Gizmo shows a lab device used to determine melting points and boiling points. Terms apply to the offers below. In the Melting Points Gizmo, you will measure the transition points at which melting and boiling occur for a variety of substances. Student Exploration: Melting Points Vocabulary: boiling point, covalent bond, intermolecular forces, ionic bond, melting point, metallic bond, molecular solid, network solid, salt, smoke, sublimation, sublimation point, transition point Prior Knowledge Questions (Do these BEFORE using the Gizmo. set colorbar limits matlab See what's new Introduction:&A&cold&room&is&used&to&find&the&melting&points&of&substances&that&are&liquids&or& gases&at&room&temperature. This simulated cold room has a temperature of -120 °C. When exposed to extreme heat, polyurethane ignit. Summarize: How does increasing the concentration of salt affect the freezing and melting points of water? _____ _____ _____ 8. Freezing point: _____ Melting point: _____ Boiling point: _____ 3. never been chris'd cast Melting points also demonstrate a chemical reaction. Experiment: Record the melting point and boiling point of water in the table below. The application of welding is everywhere from cupboard door handles to coffee pots to the slide-out keyboards on desks. Do the molecules move around more or less when water is a liquid? 2. Vocabulary: altitude, boil, boiling point, freeze, freezing point, gas, liquid, melt, melting point, phase, solid. snow totals milwaukee wisconsin • Turn on Show molecular view. B. ….

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