3 d

I hadn't felt constant cramps/contra?

I have an induction date scheduled for July 22nd (they like to induce betwee?

Advertisement The decision to file. A member asked: 30w&4d today, got checked sat&i was 1 cm ¬ effaced, today i got checked again& im at 2 cm. Cervical dilation is when your cervix opens to allow the baby to travel through the vaginal canal and be born. I have been for 3 days now. lee_yoona You're only 20 percent away from being fully effaced at 100 percent, which is when you're ready to deliver. Contractions are occurring every 8 minutes and 30-40 seconds in duration. Otherwise it's just a guessing game because like I said in a different comment above, I have been 4 cm dilated for a week now. Your cervix starts out three to four centimeters long. Please send good vibes that some thing starts happening soon. u1407 code jeep compass It happens late in pregnancy as your body prepares for labor and delivery. Apr 1, 2024 · Effacement is a measure of how thin your cervix is, but dilation is how much your cervix has widened, going from 0 centimeters (closed) to 10 centimeters (fully dilated). It's also described as a softening, shortening, or even "ripening. This is baby #2! At 35 weeks I was 2cm dilated, 70% effaced, -2 station. At 36 weeks I was 2. What is 80 percent effaced? Once your cervix reaches 80 percent effacement, it's almost short enough to allow your baby through the uterus, assuming it is accompanied by dilation. jeffrey dahmer victims Started having contractions about 5-10 minutes apart and they hurt so bad (I have a horrible pain tolerance). ….

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